Coaching Clients in Uncertain Times

For Coaches, Therapists, Counselors and Other Professionals who Support Clients in Transition


This course provides insights into how to support our clients during times of tremendous change. Although the concepts are rooted in the Seasons of Change Model, you do not need to be familiar with that work to benefit from this class. (No prerequisite.)

Coaching Clients In Uncertain Times      
5 Sessions Of 1.5 Hours = 7.5 Hours   

Navigating everyday personal, familial, and professional changes can be uncomfortable and even difficult.

Add to the mix the unprecedented levels of uncertainty we all face right now, and everything becomes more intense. 

  • How do we support our clients in navigating the times of change that are unfolding now and into the future?

  • How do we accompany our clients when their lives are irrevocably changed by regional events (storms, fires, economic trends, violence), national changes (economic shifts, election results, policy changes) or global impacts (climate change, worldwide disasters)?

  • How do we coach our clients who are experiencing personal transitions in the face of the added volatility that comes with unexpected changes of great magnitude?

“I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing the Coaching Clients In Uncertain Times class was! It is one of the greatest classes I have ever taken. Dr. Carol McClelland Fields is a masterful teacher and coach and her lectures and slides were so brilliantly and fantastically prepared. She truly cares about her students and I would highly recommend this class to other students.” — Katie W.

As the scope, intensity, and pace of change continue to escalate in ways we can't always anticipate,
it's important for us to gain additional insights about:

  • How to understand what's actually happening in times of tremendous change

  • How to discuss this level of change with our clients

  • How to support our clients as they navigate experiences they've never had before

  • How to honor our own personal experience while being present with our clients


  • Understand how high levels of uncertainty alter the way clients navigate change. With these insights you'll see that transitions of this kind require deeper levels of compassion for ourselves and our clients, different questions, and enhanced skills for both clients and coaches.

  • Enhance your ability to talk about changes of this magnitude. Help your clients see beyond the vague cloud of uncertainty by sharing more intricacies about what's happening during times of great transition. Through these conversations clients may discover that what they are feeling is different than what others are experiencing. These new insights can open up more caring, understanding, and communication within families, groups, and communities.  

  • Discover the phases your clients are likely to experience and how to support them in seeing where they are. With the help of this framework, you and your client have a shared context for your conversations, which makes it easier for them to describe what they are experiencing with you and with others in their lives. When everything changes, having the language to describe the nuances of their experience gives them the power to claim where they are in the moment.

  • Experiencing the Freefall

  • Living in Uncertainty

  • Being in the Chasm Without Seeing a Path Forward

  • Crossing the Chasm to Create New Movement 

  • Stepping More Fully into Evolving Life in Each Moment

  • Uncover ways you can be of support to others even when you are feeling unsettled and unmoored by the very same sources of uncertainty. 

NEXT TRAINING: Tuesdays, February 25, 2025 - March 25, 2025

CLASS SCHEDULE: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PST | 6:00 pM ET - 7:30 pM ET


Instructor: Carol McClelland Fields, PhD, BCC

Session 1: Experiencing the Freefall

Session 2: Living in Uncertainty

Session 3: Being in the Chasm Without Seeing a Path Forward

Session 4: Crossing the Chasm to Create New Movement

Session 5: Stepping More Fully into Evolving Life in Each Moment

If you would like additional information, please contact us.

Cancellation Fee: $50; within two weeks of start of class - 50% refund; once course begins no refund.

ILCT Students: Please Register Here

Coaching Clients in Uncertain Times

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