Times of Deep Uncertainty Bring
New Opportunities for Change Catalysts
to Help the World Through
These Challenging Times
The unprecedented changes we're experiencing right now mean we are all at the growing edge of our times, trying to make sense of the shifts without enough knowable information.
As individuals, we are taking each day as it comes, figuring out the best ways to stay safe, stay sane, and stay socially engaged in a time of physical distancing.
As Change Catalysts, we are trying to sort out how the work we have been doing needs to evolve to meet the needs of our times. We may be figuring out how to share what we do and invite our clients to re-engage for support. We may be questioning our own training and expertise as we take in the enormity of all that is changing.
To flourish personally, professionally, and financially
during this time of tremendous change,
we need to strengthen our foundation as
individuals, business owners, and Change Catalyst professionals.
Carol McClelland Fields, PhD, BCC
When I created my podcast, Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge, in the spring of 2018, I sensed that there would come a time when our skills, our sensitivities, and our expertise would be needed on a large scale.
I didn't know the precise nature of the transition at that time, but I felt the potential for deep shifts occurring, both regionally and globally, that would take us all into a state of deeper uncertainty than we’ve ever experienced before.
Having studied the regional jolts we’ve experienced over the last few decades, I knew that the initial event would spawn a series of mushrooming ramifications that would touch us personally, our families, our clients, and our communities.
As we scan all that is unfolding in our world right now, it’s clear that Change Catalysts have an essential role to play as we all navigate the uncertain times ahead.
Whether you've been preparing for your entire life for a shift like this or you've recently been called to develop your skills as a Change Catalyst, it’s important that we flourish so that we can contribute our skills, expertise, and experience to our families, our clients, and our communities.
What do we Need to flourish at the growing edge of our times?
What do we need to have in place
to know we are supported
— emotionally and financially —
as we step forward to help those in need?
How do we take care of ourselves
while embodying this new level of our work?
How do we get to a place where we feel
clear enough and strong enough about our businesses
to do the work we're here to do at this crucial time?
How do we best support our families,
our clients, and our communities?
Training and Experience
Updating and expanding your training so you can help those navigating difficult times of great uncertainty.
Explore Training Opportunities
The Organic Way
Find out why the Mainstream Approach to building your business
is not working.
Discover the Organic Way, a gentle, encouraging way to create, develop,
and grow your business.
A New Way
Business Mentoring
Creating a viable business to support yourself and your family financially while working with your clients and your community during these unsettled times.
Emerging: Discover How to Start Your New Business
Seasoned: Re-Imagine Your Existing Business and Outreach
There is a lot of work to do at the front lines of
the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers
of this unfolding global transformation.
Let’s come together to leverage our efforts
and multiply our impact.
Four Free Ways to Engage
Are You a
Change Catalyst?
Does your work with clients make you a Change Catalyst? Explore the description and examples to discover ways your work is a catalyst for change.
Free business Resources
Searching for insights about ways to create a viable business? Listen to Carol’s podcast episodes about the Organic Way, read her ebook, or receive inspiring texts to keep you focused.
Free Transition Resources
For some refreshing new inspiration about change, check out Carol’s two free eBooks about transitions and two sets of podcasts
about Transition Trends
and Personal Self-Care.
Podcast for
Change Catalysts
Each podcast episode offers an enriching opportunity to tap into Carol’s wisdom or an interview with a guest about a fascinating topic.