When you are ready to grow your business,
the first step is to…
Clarify Your Growing Edge
You Are On to Something New
As someone in the business of helping other people change, you yourself may be stepping into a new chapter. You may be:
Starting a new business and your head is spinning with all the things you need to think about to get your new business off the ground.
Taking your existing business in a new direction, knowing something needs to change for your work to be on point and have the impact you want.
You want to turn your new emerging work into a flourishing business, but you aren’t sure how to make that happen.
You may have an idea for an innovative way to help clients who are experiencing deep grief, for example, but you aren’t sure if what you are imagining will actually work.
You may have a sense that you can help people change careers, but it’s still kind of vague at this point. You don’t really have a process you follow, you just show up and intuit how to guide your client to identify their new purpose and get hired in their new role. When you question your own credibility, it’s hard to trust yourself and your own work.
But the Path Feels Rocky
You may be rocketing between excitement about what you are building and total fear and self-doubt about whether you can make it happen.
You may be sitting down every day ready to work on your new business or your new business direction, but then you end up staring at the blank page, trying to bring the picture into focus.
You may be struggling to figure out what you do. You’ve tried on a few niche ideas, but you aren’t confident enough in your choices to move forward.
You pick up the phone to call a potential new client, but then you stop because you just don’t feel ready. You don’t know exactly what to offer, or how much to charge . . .
You aren’t sure how to structure your work with clients. Should meet with clients twice a week or once a month, or offer an intensive like other Change Catalysts are offering.
And pricing is freaking you out. Should you charge by the session, by the month, or for a specific program? What should you charge? And how do you even make that decision?
Are You Really Ready?
““Carol has a finely-honed ability to take her clients on deep, productive dives into more clarity. Walking this path of emergence alongside of Carol, I’ve been blessed with ever-greater clarity, ease, and elegance of flow to move forward with a new body of work, Yin Arising. I continue to learn from her modeling and wisdom. She’s hands-down my clarity-go-to.” ”
You are starting to realize that your lack of outreach isn’t just a mindset issue or a marketing issues. There are actual pieces you don’t have in place yet, but you aren’t totally sure what those are.
But try as you might, you can’t quite get out of the starting blocks to bring your vision into reality.
Perhaps You Are:
Wrestling with naming and defining the core focus of your work.
Trying to figure out how to integrate a new service with your existing offerings.
Losing faith in yourself and your work because you aren't moving forward.
Wondering how to develop a new idea with potential into an original body of work.
Bogged down in trying to figure out your offers and pricing.
Confused about how to talk about the work you do with clients.
Unsure who benefits most from your work
Confused about what strategies to use to let your potential clients know what you do.
Hesitant to take action until you are clear to eliminate your concerns.
As exciting and promising as it is to imagine yourself in that new place with your business, you aren’t moving forward, or you aren’t moving fast enough.
You know in every fiber of your being that you need to do something different to get over this hump and start doing your work. Unfortunately, you aren’t even sure what steps to take, when to take them, or how to proceed.
Since your path forward isn’t clear to you, it’s taking so much extra time and energy to figure out what you need to do that some days you don’t have much energy left over to actually move forward.
You Can Move Through the Confusion and
Find the Clarity You Need To Move Forward
With a clearer picture of various aspects of your business foundation, you see EXACTLY where to focus and what needs to be in place so you can start moving.
Putting these pieces in place before you start marketing your new business or the new level of your work is the key.
When you have this sense of Clarity,
you will feel Confident enough to take the
necessary actions to build the Change Catalyst
business you’ve been dreaming of.
As you take these strategic actions consistently,
you’ll be able to create momentum in your new work.
Let’s Get Together and Identify Your Growing Edge
I have found the most effective way to see exactly what is and isn’t in place within your business is to have a conversation, just you and me.
You bring your expertise about your idea, your passion, and your journey thus far.
I bring my expertise about clarity, transitions, what it takes to develop a new body of work and create a business framework that aligns with your values, style, and clients’ needs.
In our session, we’ll look at where you stand on key Momentum Milestones that are often overlooked or dismissed in traditional business circles.
““Carol’s system for guiding you to clarity is simply brilliant. She deconstructs aspects of your vision in a way that helps you see how the different layers lead one into another. She highlights what is clear and spots what is fuzzy, what is missing and what is dominating. I am gobsmack-thrilled at what a single session has yielded.””
In preparation for our session, you’ll complete a questionnaire about where you stand on each of the Momentum Milestones.
Then when we get together, I’ll ask a series of clarifying questions so we can deepen our understanding of what you know about:
What You Do - your idea with potential, the core focus of your business
Whom You Work With – who will get the most out of your work, how with they benefit from working with you.
How You Work with Your Clients - the framework, model, principles, or approach that guide your work with clients.
How You Structure Your Business - your income streams, offers, pricing, and how your clients flow into and through your work.
How You Will Introduce Your Work and Business – your initial presence includes your early-stage introduction, a basic starter web page, and key social media profiles.
Although understand where you feel clear and where you don’t is important, the pattern of your answers will:
Deepen your understanding of the current state of your work and your business.
Identify where you have clarity, where you have gaps, and where you lack clarity and confidence.
Identify your growing edge and drill down to the core source of your confusion so you can see the specific place where you can make the most progress.
Create a simple blueprint you can follow to move forward.